Monday, December 8, 2008

Saturday Snow!!

I had so much fun making the first one, so I decided to start the second.
A much smaller wide tailed wierdo board that you may know I am obsessed with.
I figured I would try to make my own in these hard economic times.

Devo stopped by the shop to share in "present your craft day".
His first handmade frame he made in Oregon came back from the painter.

Monia saw snow for the first time ever!!!!!!
I was so excited too that I probably looked like I was seeing it for the first time also.The Budos Band show at BAM was then enjoyed by all!!


Clams said...

Yess a wooden Casper!!!

Kyle said...

Bless, Where's the ill wood shop and do they rent time there? Nice start to the Woodro Simmons.